General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Jubilee Bank Holiday Competition

News article for the General Section

Jubilee Bank Holiday Competition

Jubilee Bank Holiday Competition

Our next Bank Holiday competition will be on FRIDAY 3rd JUNE

Shotgun start 8.30am for 9am. There are still a few slots available, sign up sheet is on the notice board by the snooker room.

This is a 4 ball mixed event, all welcome and will be a red ball competition (taking it in turns to play the red ball which counts double)

Prize giving lunch, with specials to follow at around 1pm

We will also be collecting donations on the day for our Captain's Charity: the British Heart Foundation ahead of the Jubilee Race night in the evening

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Date published: Tue 24th May 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Tue 24th May 2022